VINNIE PAUL To Release Cookbook

February 19, 2010

At Wednesday's (February 17) press conference in Los Angeles to announce the nominees of nine different categories for the second annual Revolver Golden Gods Awards, drummer Vinnie Paul Abbott (HELLYEAH, PANTERA, DAMAGEPLAN) told Liz Ohanesian of LA Weekly that his next venture is a cookbook called "Drumming up an Appetite with Vinnie Paul", which he says he would like to release towards the end of the year.

"It's got a picture of me sitting behind a drum set with a turkey leg in one hand and a chicken leg in another," he said.

Paul told a little bit about his favorite dishes. " I love cooking fajitas. I'm from Texas and it's not a difficult thing to do, but a lot of people burn the chicken."

He's also a fan of stuffed jalapeƱos. "I take fresh jalapeƱos, put cream cheese on them, maybe a little fajita seasoning, cheddar cheese on top and the key ingredient, which I learned in Australia, is barbecue sauce. Don't put hot sauce on it, just a little barbecue sauce on them. Put them on the grill."

Read more from LA Weekly.

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